Unlike most visits to the doctor, you will have adequate time to discuss your most pressing health conditions and receive choices in your personalized treatments.

Naturopathic Visit

Naturopathic treatments usually run 90 minutes for the first visit. It begins with a thorough interview regarding your condition and health history. A general physical exam will be conducted to assess current health, and to determine if there are any undetected signs.

From the interview and exam, you will receive an understanding of your health holistically, and discussion and understanding of the treatment plan, which may include lab work, diet and lifestyle modifications, vitamin and mineral supplementation, herbal medicines.

Additional lab testing may be necessary such as hormone levels or food allergies, and will be discussed during the visit.

Dr. Yoon believes that understanding one’s body is extremely important, and therefore spends time to help you understand what is going on and the approach of treatment in naturopathic medicine.

Acupuncture Visit

Acupuncture treatments usually run from 45 to 60 minutes. It begins with an interview regarding your condition. The length of the interview depends on your condition and the extent of your health status. From the interview and the examination of your tongue and pulse, your condition will be determined according to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, and appropriate acupuncture points will be selected. You will then be asked to lie either on your back or your front side, which then needles will be placed and retained for approximately 15-30 minutes.

Prior to their first treatment, many people do not believe that acupuncture can be painless. Different sensations, such as warmth or pressure may be felt, but the sensation differs from pain. People often comment that the feeling is unfamiliar but pleasant and relaxing.

Because acupuncture works to harmonize the body, several treatments may be necessary. The amount of treatments depends on the extent of your condition. However, improvements should be seen with each treatment. For maximal benefits, three treatments per week are recommended. However, once per week is adequate for most patients. The series of treatments depends on the condition.

How to make the most of your appointment.

1. Take the time to fill out in detail your health questionnaire. This saves you and the doctor time during the visit to address your most pressing issues.
2. Write down all of your questions pertaining to your symptoms or health.
3. Bring all your supplements and/or medications to the visit.
4. Bring all your previous test results.
5. Make sure you are completely clear about the treatment plan before leaving.
6. Be consistent with the treatment recommendations. Observe changes, whether you have had improvements or not. Unlike conventional prescription medications, Naturopathic and Traditional Chinese treatments include lifestyle changes and responses are unique to each individual.
7. Follow up with your doctor.